“…However, completion of all three doses can be challenging [22][23][24][25][27][28][29], with variable three-dose completion rates of 18-33% in the US [22], 48-85% in Canada [22], 61-90% in Uganda [23], 68-88% in India [23], 83-99% in Vietnam [23], and 44-77% in Australia [26], depending upon year of measurement, age, delivery strategy, and/or geographic location. The feasibility of delivering HPV vaccine is challenged by needing to administer three doses within six months [23,[27][28][29], mobilizing health workers for delivery [24], coordinating with schools for school-based immunizations [22][23][24][27][28][29][30], and financing the costs of delivery [24,31]. If fewer than three doses of HPV vaccine afforded protection, identified barriers to three-dose vaccine implementation, including costs of vaccine procurement and delivery, could be reduced.…”