The cover figure shows fixation proportions on the actors' mouth over time (0-1000 ms after stimulus start), the eye-tracking data is from the experiment described in Chapter 4. The different colored lines indicate different viewing conditions, the solid lines represent data from younger (18-30) participants, while the dashed lines represent data from older (60-80) participants. It can be seen that older participants fixate the mouth more often than younger participants. Additionally, if macular degeneration is simulated (darker blue, purple, and red lines), there are less fixations on the mouth, especially for younger participants. All chapter pages are variants of the cover figure; for Chapters 2-4, the eye-tracking data from its respective chapter was used. For Chapter 1, 5, and the Appendices, pilot eye-tracking with the author as participant was used.The main title was brought to you by Menno Veldman.