“…Parts of the frontal eye field (FEF) in the fundus and in the posterior bank of the arcuate sulcus are also involved in the control of smooth-pursuit eye movements (Lynch, 1987;Keating, 1991Keating, , 1993MacAvoy et al, 1991;Gottlieb et al, 1993Gottlieb et al, , 1994Tian and Lynch, 1996a,b;Tanaka and Fukushima, 1998;Fukushima et al, 2000;Tanaka and Lisberger, 2001;Carpenter, 2005). Surgical ablation or chemical inactivation of the FEF impairs visually initiated smooth pursuit, suggesting an essential role of this structure in the premotor pathway for pursuit (Lynch, 1987;Keating, 1991;MacAvoy et al, 1991;Shi et al, 1998). One report suggests that the FEF lesion impairs anticipatory and predictive pursuit as well (MacAvoy et al, 1991).…”