“…Further increase of the HCl concentration leads to a partial decomposition (C e Sb = 45.79 ppm in 4 m HCl, 208.94 ppm in 5 m HCl) until the total collapse of the crystalline product occurs at a concentration of 5.5 m (C e Sb = 388.26 ppm, Figure 6f,g). The stability of SbS-1K over such a wide range from alkaline (pH 11) to extremely acidic (3 m HCl) conditions is impressive, which overperforms most of the pH-resistant metal chalcogenide adsorbents represented by (NH 4 ) 4 In 12 Se 20 (2.4 m HCl), [59] KMS-1 (pH 0.7-12), [30] FJSM-SnS (pH 0.7-12.7), [33] CuGeSe-1 (pH 1-12) [60] and AgSnSe-1 (1-12), [40] etc. In addition, SbS-1K shows superior R Cs values of 90.60%, 65.79% and 35.17% at pH 1, pH 0 (1 m HCl) or even in 2 m HCl solution (Figure 6h, Tables S14 and S15, Supporting Information), respectively, even higher than KMS-1 (≈43% pH 0.8) [30] and FJSM-SnS (≈47% at pH 0.7) [33] that tested under similar conditions.…”