Experi~entaı studies on tendon sutures and auto-grafts in dogs.Suınrnary: In this study we made 9 experiments in 5 dogs. Experiments are divided into two groups.
1-Experimenıal studies 011 tel/daıı stilres:In this group, we made 5 experiments. Skin inci. sions were made direetly over the tendon. Tenetomy is performed, then tendon sutures are applied. Af ter the operation the leg was bandage with a plastered bandage for 16 -25 days.
II-Experimeııtal studies aLLtendoıı aıılo-grafts: In this group we made 4 experiments. Skinİneision was made over the tendon, then teneetomy is performed. Auto-graft is taken from the same tendon. In this operation, the upper part of the wounded tendon is lengthened.Mter the operation, the Icg was bandaged with a plastered bandage for 19 -21 days.Özet: Bu çalışmamtzda 9 denemeyi 5 köpek üzerinde yaptık. Denemelerimizide iki gurupta topladık.
1-Tendo dikişleri:
GirişBu' çalışma büyük hayvanların tam olan tendo kopmalarında, dikiş uygulamaları; tendo nekrozlarında ve tendo kontraktürIerinde