“…Eleven drugs were chosen that represented several drug classes and were metabolized by each of the sex-biased Cyps. Though the Cyp-drug association for these 11 drugs was initially obtained from PharmaPendium, a survey of literature reports allowed us to confirm such association, namely, azelastine (Imai et al, 1999), buspirone (Zhu et al, 2005), doxorubicin (Kivisto et al, 1995), fentanyl (Lotsch et al, 2013), glimepiride (Suzuki et al, 2006;Yang et al, 2018), irinotecan (Mathijssen et al, 2001), phenytoin (Franco and Perucca, 2015), pravastatin (Williams and Feely, 2002), tamsulosin (Franco-Salinas et al, 2010), tazarotene (Attar et al, 2003), and terfenadine (Ling et al, 1995) were mainly metabolized by the Cyp as indicated in the PharmaPendium. The metabolism of these drugs was evaluated in primary hepatocytes derived from the livers of adult male and female F344 rats.…”