“…Since the seminal contribution of Jaedicke and Robichek in 1964, a substantial literature has accumulated in accounting, economics, management, and decision science periodicals on the subject of stochastic CVP analysis. Some of the more recent contributors to this literature include Brockett et al (1984Brockett et al ( , 1987, Lau and Lau (1987), Chung (1990Chung ( , 1993, Kim et al (1996), Chan and Wong (1999), and Yunker (2001). Numerous models have been proposed and examined: single-product versus multi-product, single uncertainty source versus multiple uncertainty sources, the assumption that production equals sales versus differentiation of the production quantity from the sales quantity, specification of the decision question simply as produce-not produce versus determination of a quantity to produce and/or a price to set, use of the fundamental CVP equation alone versus the addition of 'economic' functions relating quantity sold to price and/or unit cost to quantity produced, and so on and so forth.…”