“…The generally accepted procedure to estimate cold hardiness under controlled conditions is to freeze plant tissue to desired temp, then thaw and determine degree of survival or injury. The various tests to assess cold hardiness, following artificial or natural freezes, that have been employed from time to time could be classified as: electrical methods (1,5,7,9,12,21,23,24,25); color or spectrophotometric determinations (11,13,14,16,17,18,22); visual discoloration or physical integrity of tissue (1,3,6,12,17,18); growth and recovery tests (3,5,7,9,18,21); and xylem pressure potential and chlorophyll fluorescence methods (2). A recently developed test (20) has also been used to evalute the effect of artificial freezing on the susceptibility of peach twigs to bacterial canker development (BCD) after inoculation with Pseudomonas syringae van Hall.…”