“…Conversely, bvFTD and ABI patients with vmPFC damage perform comparably to controls during 'impersonal' scenarios involving the indirect harm of one, to save others. Here, both groups typically endorse a utilitarian option to maximize welfare, for example, pulling a lever to direct a tramcar away from five people towards one person (Ciaramelli et al, 2007;Koenigs et al, 2007;Mendez & Shapira, 2009;Moretto et al, 2010;Taber-Thomas et al, 2014; however see Rowley, Rogish, Alexander, & Riggs, 2017). In the absence of a strong negative emotional reaction to the perception of harming another, patients with damage to the vmPFC do not experience an emotional aversion and instead may rely on cognitive processes which maximize welfare.…”