Electrophysiological recordings in animals have indicated that visual cortex γ-band oscillatory activity is predominantly observed in superficial cortical layers, whereas α-and β-band activity is stronger in deep layers. These rhythms, as well as the different cortical layers, have also been closely related to feedforward and feedback streams of information. Recently, it has become possible to measure laminar activity in humans with high-resolution functional MRI (fMRI). In this study, we investigated whether these different frequency bands show a differential relation with the laminar-resolved blood-oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal by combining data from simultaneously recorded EEG and fMRI from the early visual cortex. Our visual attention paradigm allowed us to investigate how variations in strength over trials and variations in the attention effect over subjects relate to each other in both modalities. We demonstrate that γ-band EEG power correlates positively with the superficial layers' BOLD signal and that β-power is negatively correlated to deep layer BOLD and α-power to both deep and superficial layer BOLD. These results provide a neurophysiological basis for human laminar fMRI and link human EEG and high-resolution fMRI to systems-level neuroscience in animals.cortical layers | oscillations | high-resolution fMRI | EEG T he different cortical layers have distinct anatomical connections with subcortical, upstream, and downstream cortical regions (1). Intracranial electrophysiological recordings in animals have linked neuronal oscillations in different frequency bands to the cortical feedforward and feedback information flow and to cortico-subcortical interactions (2-5). In line with these findings, electrophysiological recordings in animals have also demonstrated that changes in α-, β-, and γ-bands can be localized to specific cortical layers (6-12).These findings are almost exclusively based on nonhuman animal research. Although a recent study explored the feasibility of measuring laminar-specific activity with magnetoencephalography (MEG) (13), most recent advances in measuring laminar activity in humans have been made using high-resolution functional MRI (fMRI) (14-18). In this study, we make use of these recent developments to investigate the relationship between electrophysiology and the laminar-specific blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal. By simultaneously measuring EEG and high-resolution fMRI in humans performing a visual attention task, we demonstrate that changes in specific frequency bands in the EEG can be related to changes in the BOLD signal measured at different cortical depths.The BOLD signal is thought to be closely related to variations in local field potentials (19-21). A wide variety of features in the local field potential (LFP) or EEG, related to several cognitive processes, have now been found to correlate with the BOLD signal (19,20,(22)(23)(24)(25)(26). Most relevant for this study, α-and β-power changes in EEG correlate negatively with the BOLD signal whereas γ-band...