Donor-acceptor Stenhousea dducts( DASA) are popularp hotoswitches capable of togglingb etween two isomersd epending on the light and temperature of the system.T he cyclized polar form is accessed by visible-light irradiation, whereas the linear nonpolar form is recovered in the dark. Upon the formation of the cyclized form,t he DASA contains ad ouble bond featuring a b-carbonp rone to nucleophilica ttack.H ere, an isomer selective thiol-Michael reaction betweenthe cyclized DASA and ab ase-activated thiol is introduced. The thiol-Michael addition was carried out with an alkyl (1-butanethiol) and an aromatic thiol (p-bromothiophenol) as reaction partners, both in the presence of ab ase. Undero ptimized conditions,t he reactionp roceeds preferentially in the presenceo fl ight and base. The current study demonstrates that DASAsc an be selectively trapped in their cyclized state.Molecular photoswitches undergo reversible isomerization upon irradiation with light, and sometimes in combination with ad ifferent stimulus, for example, temperature. [1] Light, as ar eadily available and adjustable reactiont rigger,i sp articularly interesting for implementing spatiotemporal control on reaction outcomes. For example, photoswitches are employed for biomedical andb iochemical processes including targetedd rug delivery and chemical/biological sensing applications. [2][3][4][5] Photoswitches, such as derivatives of the donor-acceptor Stenhouse adduct (DASA), coexisti na ne quilibrium between two isomeric forms.O ne isomer consists of an intensely colored (blue, purple or orange)n onpolar linear form, whereas the other isomer is cyclized, polar,c olorless and commonly zwitterionic (Scheme 1). [6][7][8][9] The equilibrium between the two forms is dependent on the solvente nvironment andt he structural motifs of the DASA derivatives, consistingo fa ne lectron donor and an acceptorm oiety,r esultingi napush-pull system.U pon irradiation, the equilibrium is shifted towardst he ring cyclized isomer (cyclized form) and, upon thermalr elaxation, it returns to the initialc onjugated state (linear form). The cyclization mechanism hasbeen clarified in ac areful study by Feringa and Buma,i nw hichd ensity functional theory calculationsa nd transient absorption kinetics measurements were employed. [32] The current consensus on the cyclization processi nvolves isomerizationo ft he double bonds, followedby ab ond rotation, and finallyathermal conrotatory4 p electrocyclization leading to the cyclized ring, commonly stabilizedb yi ts zwitterionic form through ap roton transfer. [10][11][12][13] Clarification of the cyclization mechanism resulted in ap ool of DASA photoswitches bearing avariety of acceptorand donor functionalitiesaswell as an improvedk nowledge of factors influencing the switching process. [8,9,14,15] The inherent advantages of DASA photoswitches, which includesn egative photochromism, inexpensives tarting materials, modular synthesis, tunable absorption, visible-light switching, and good fatiguer esistance, are appealing for ar ...