Grassland habitats were studied on twenty farms on the area of the Radlje ob Dravi administration unit, in the transect from Kozjak to Pohorje at different altitudes. The aim of the study was to investigate how environmental and socio-economic parameters influence the diversity of plant species and, consequently, the conservation of grassland on acid soils, which are rare in Slovenia and are therefore more protected. The socioeconomic structure of farms was studied on the basis of an inquiry carried out on farms. Part-time farms prevail; the average age of farmers is 56.5 years, and 30% of farmers has no education or just elementary school. The relationship among the environmental, socio-economic parameters and floristic structures of grasslands was studied using canoniccorrespondence analysis. The impact of 16 parameters was analysed, of which six were determined not to be statistically significant. The occurrence of chosen plant species was analysed in relation to environmental and socioeconomic parameters. The efficiency of agro-environmental subsidies in relation to plant species diversity was evaluated. It was determined that the education and age of farmers influence the intensity of farming and consequently have an impact on the diversity of plants species and the conservation status of grasslands.Key words: grasslands, habitats, biotic diversity, plant species, socio-economic structure of farms, Kozjak, Pohorje, Slovenia
IZVLEČEK ODVISNOST OHRANJENOSTI KISLIH TRAVIŠČ NA POHORJU IN KOZJAKU OD SOCIOEKONOMSKIH PARAMETROVV nalogi proučujemo traviščne habitate na območju Upravne enote Radlje ob Dravi, na dvajsetih kmetijah, na območju Pohorja in Kozjaka in na različnih nadmorskih višinah. Namen naloge je bil proučiti ali socioekonomski dejavniki vplivajo na diverziteto rastlinskih vrst in posledično s tem na ohranjenost travišč, predvsem travišč na kisli podlagi, ki so redkejša in zato še posebej varovana. Na podlagi izvedbe anket na teh kmetijah smo proučili socioekonomsko strukturo kmetij. Prevladujejo mešane kmetije, povprečna starost gospodarjev je 56,5 let in kar 30 odstotkov gospodarjev je brez izobrazbe ali imajo končano osnovno šolo. Z metodo kanonične korespondenčne analize (CCA) smo poskušali ugotoviti, kateri ekološko-socioekonomski dejavniki so najbolj povezani z vrstno sestavo travišč. Določili smo šestnajst spremenljivk, pri čemer je bilo osem statistično neznačilnih. Proučili smo povezanost ekološko-socioekonomskih dejavnikov s pojavljanjem rastlinskih vrst. V raziskavi smo ovrednotili učinkovitost kmetijsko okoljskih plačil na raznolikost rastlinskih vrst. Ugotovili smo, da socioekonomska dejavnika izobrazba in starost gospodarjev kmetijskih gospodarstev vplivata na intenzivnost kmetovanja in posledično s tem na raznolikost rastlinskih vrst in ohranjenost travišč.Ključne besede: travišča, habitati, biotska raznovrstnost, rastlinske vrste, socio-ekonomska struktura kmetij, Kozjak, PohorjeKarmen KETIŠ et al.