“…This perennial subshrub is an important component of the dry steppe flora, as it is resistant to cold temperatures, drought and mechanical disturbance, especially grazing. Therefore, comprehensive studies on its systematics (Garcia et al, 2011;Pellicer et al, 2011;Riggins & Seigler, 2012) and population genetics within its distribution range have already been conducted (Liu et al, 2012;Oyundelger et al, 2021;Wan et al, 2008;Wang et al, 2004). A number of studies have focused on the cytogenetic diversity of A. frigida (Garcia et al, 2004;Korobkov & Kotseruba, 2015;Korobkov et al, 2014;Pellicer et al, 2007Pellicer et al, , 2010, which revealed diploid and tetraploid individuals with 2n = 2x = 18 and 2n = 4x = 36, respectively.…”