Quantum computing has seen tremendous progress in the past years. Due to the implementation complexity and cost, the future path of quantum computation is strongly believed to delegate computational tasks to powerful quantum servers on cloud. Universal blind quantum computing (UBQC) provides the protocol for the secure delegation of arbitrary quantum computations, and it has received significant attention. However, a great challenge in UBQC is how to transmit quantum state over long distance securely and reliably. Here, we solve this challenge by proposing a resourceefficient remote blind qubit preparation (RBQP) protocol with weak coherent pulses for the client to produce, using a compact and low-cost laser. We experimentally verify a key step of RBQPquantum non-demolition measurement -in the field test over 100-km fiber. Our experiment uses a quantum teleportation setup in telecom wavelength and generates 1000 secure qubits with an average fidelity of (86.9 ± 1.5)%, which exceeds the quantum no-cloning fidelity of equatorial qubit states. The results prove the feasibility of UBQC over long distances, and thus serving as a key milestone towards secure cloud quantum computing.As physicist Richard Feynman realized three decades ago [1], quantum computation holds the promise of exponential speed up over classical computers in solving certain computational tasks. Quantum computation has been an area of wide interest and growth in the past couple of years [2,3]. Because of implementation complexity, it is speculated that the future quantum computers are accessed via the cloud service for common users. Indeed, the recent effort on quantum cloud service [4] demonstrates the path towards this speculation. Blind quantum computing (BQC) [5][6][7] is an effective method for a common user (namely the Client), who has limited or no quantum computational power, to delegate computation to an untrusted quantum organization (namely the Server), without leaking any information about the user's input and computational task.Various BQC protocols have been proposed in theory [8][9][10][11][12][13]. In addition, several experiments have been reported to demonstrate the feasibility of BQC with photonic qubits [14][15][16][17][18][19]. See Ref.[20] for a review. Notably, the universal BQC (UBQC) [7] (see Fig. 1(a)), built upon the model of measurement-based quantum computation [21], does not require any quantum computational power or quantum memory for Client. The security or blindness of the UBQC protocol is information-theoretic, i.e., Server cannot learn anything about Client's computation except its size. The only non-classical requirement for Client is that she can prepare qubits with a single photon source perfectly. Nonetheless, practical single photon sources are not yet readily available, despite a lot of effort [22].To resolve the state-preparation issue, the recent remote blind qubit preparation (RBQP) protocol, proposed in [23], enables preparing blind qubits with weak coherent pulses (WCPs), generated from a compact and lo...