“…where: N pc is the total number of nodes in primary corteges which are part of a composite cortege, it is calculated by (9); a is the number of such primary corteges (if a composite cortege does not contain primary corteges, then a = 0); N pr is the total number of nodes in primary ranks which are part of a composite cortege, it is calculated by (10); b is the number of such primary ranks (if a composite cortege does not contain primary ranks, then b = 0); N m is the total number of nodes in throttle matrices which are part of a composite cortege, it is calculated by (11); c is the number of such throttle matrices (if a composite cortege does not contain throttle matrices, then c = 0); N pm is the total number of nodes in partial throttle matrices which are part of a composite cortege, it is calculated by (12); d is the number of such partial throttle matrices (if a composite cortege does not contain partial throttle matrices, then d = 0); N cm is the total number of nodes in the composite throttle matrices which are part of a composite cortege:…”