“…In this sense, our approach is similar in spirit to that of Simis, Ulrich and Vasconcelos [SUV01], who analyze the integrality of R(N ) over R(M) by reducing it to a local problem at codimension one primes of R(M). However, in contrast to [SUV01], [KT94] and [KT00], our approach allows us to work in a more general setting: we don't require X to be equidimensional, and we allow the ranks of M and N to vary across the generic points of the irreducible components of X. Finally, we strengthen the Kleiman-Thorup theorem by showing that the inverse image in Proj(R(M)) of each irreducible component of the locus in X where N is not integral over M is of codimension one in an irreducible component of Proj(R(M)).…”