“…Many of these study sites have been strongly influenced by increased sedimentation from the rising Appalachian Mountains. Additional studies have been conducted in locations that would presumably not be affected by the Appalachian/Variscan Orogenic Events, but all are associated with sediments derived from the cratonic blocks of Indochina (Hara et al, 2010 andKönigshof et al, 2012), South China (Zheng et al, 1993, Chen et al, 2005, Gharaie et al, 2007, Chen et al, 2013, Komatsu et al, 2014and Whalen et al, 2015, Australia (Stephens andSumner, 2003 andGeorge et al, 2014), Russia/Siberia (Gutak et al, 2008, Izokh et al, 2009and Tagarieva, 2013 and northern Africa . In contrast, only one study has unequivocally shown the presence of a Late Devonian anoxia event in an open oceanic setting far from continental-derived sediments: Carmichael et al (2014) have documented the Kellwasser Event using multiple geochemical proxies within the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), which therefore required an overhaul of the established models for ocean anoxia.…”