We consider inference based on linear conditional moment inequalities, which arise in a wide variety of economic applications, including many structural models. We show that linear conditional structure greatly simplifies confidence set construction, allowing for computationally tractable projection inference in settings with nuisance parameters. Next, we derive least favorable critical values that avoid conservativeness due to projection. Finally, we introduce a conditional inference approach which ensures a strong form of insensitivity to slack moments, as well as a hybrid technique which combines the least favorable and conditional methods. Our conditional and hybrid approaches are new even in settings without nuisance parameters. We find good performance in simulations based on Wollmann (2018), especially for the hybrid approach.Example 2 Katz (2007) studies the impact of travel time on supermarket choice.Katz assumes that agent utilities are additively separable in utility from the basket of goods bought (B i ), the travel time to the supermarkets chosen (T i,s ), and the cost of the basket (π(B i , s)). Normalizing coefficient on cost to one, agent i's realized utility is assumed to bewhere C s are observed characteristics of the supermarket, T i,s is the travel time for i going to s, and β +ν i is its impact on utility, where ν i has mean zero given supermarket characteristics and travel times.Katz assumes travel times and store characteristics are known to the shopper. Fors a supermarket with T i,s > T i,s that also marketed B i , he divides the difference
s and notes that a combination of expected utility maximization and revealed preference impliesOur approach to this application relies on the conditional moment restriction E P [ε i |Z i ] = 0. As discussed by Ponomareva & Tamer (2011), this means that the identified set may be empty if the linear model is incorrect. For Z i = (T i , V i ) , Beresteanu & Molinari (2008) assume only that E[ε i Z i ] = 0, and their approach yields inference on the (necessarily nonempty) set of best linear predictors. Bontemps et al. (2012) study identification and inference, including specification tests, for a class of linear models with unconditional moment restrictions.If the observed data result from a Nash equilibrium then E m l (θ) j,f,i,t |V f,i,t ≤ 0 for l ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4} and all variables V f,i,t in the firm's information set at the time of the decision. We obtain two further conditional moment inequalities by considering heavier and lighter models than the firm actually marketed. To state them formally, define