Nowadays the computer has changed and eased the lives of many people in the workplace. Office work, conducting research, preparation of notes and other computer related works have always involved a range of activities, such as typing, filing, reading, and writing. With the evolution of the computer, all these tasks can now be completed using one device. Desktop, tablets, smart phones and personal computers are some of the visual display units, used for different purposes in institutions, at workplaces and other recreational areas. But apart from their advantage, usage of visual display units have risk of developing computer vision syndrome (CVS) which is one of the emerging public eye health problems in the world. CVS is one of the most important occupational hazard of the 21 st century which affects 70 percent of all computer users [1].The American Optometric Association defines CVS or digital eye strain as a ''group of eye and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader and cell phone use'' [2].Nearly more than half of the world's populations are using the internet as described by Internet world stats [3]. It is estimated that nearly 60 million people suffer from CVS globally, and that a million new cases occur each year [4]. The most encountered symptoms during computer usage are reduced blink rate, tired eye, headache, neck pain, blurring of vision eye strain [5-8]. It is also stated that the performance of the human vision system is reduced due to long period usage of computer and discomfort lightening conditions [9]. It is also known that blue light emitted from a computer screen can reduce the amount of melatonin [10]. Annoying reflections [11], head position and direction of gaze during performing on visual display units can lead to symptoms of CVS [5].CVS significantly impairs workplace productivity and reduces the quality of life by placing unusual strain on human physical well-being as well as reduce job satisfaction and lost work time [1,12,13]. It is also known that CVS can reduce work accuracy in specific tasks by as much as 40% [1]. Reading from a computer screen can reduce understanding ability compared to reading test on print paper [14], which in turn may affect schooling or work-