DOI: 10.1029/2020pa004016
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Complex Interactions Between Large Igneous Province Emplacement and Global‐Temperature Changes During the Cenomanian‐Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 2)

Abstract: Super greenhouse temperatures at the onset of the Cenomanian-Turonian oceanic anoxic event (OAE 2) have been widely linked with large igneous province (LIP) volcanic activity. However, the extent to which volcanism influenced subsequent climate changes throughout OAE 2, such as global cooling during the Plenus Cold Event (PCE) early in the OAE, and the subsequent return to very warm conditions through the second part of the crisis remain less clear. Here, new osmium-isotope (187 Os/ 188 Os) data are presented … Show more

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Cited by 19 publications
(5 citation statements)
References 100 publications
(261 reference statements)
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“…The osmium-isotope ratio of a sedimentary rock is another widely used proxy to study ancient volcanic events (e.g., Dickson et al, 2015;Du Vivier et al, 2014;Georgiev et al, 2015;Liu et al, 2020b;Liu et al, 2019b;Percival et al, 2020;Peucker-Ehrenbrink and Ravizza, 2012;Turgeon and Creaser, 2008). The modern seawater osmium-isotope ( 187 Os/ 188 Os) composition is controlled by the mass balance of unradiogenic Os input from mantle and extraterrestrial sources (~0.126) and riverine input of radiogenic material following weathering of ancient continent crust (~1.4 today) (Peucker-Ehrenbrink and Ravizza, 2000).…”
Section: No Hg Evidence In North America For a Volcanic Trigger Of Th...mentioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…The osmium-isotope ratio of a sedimentary rock is another widely used proxy to study ancient volcanic events (e.g., Dickson et al, 2015;Du Vivier et al, 2014;Georgiev et al, 2015;Liu et al, 2020b;Liu et al, 2019b;Percival et al, 2020;Peucker-Ehrenbrink and Ravizza, 2012;Turgeon and Creaser, 2008). The modern seawater osmium-isotope ( 187 Os/ 188 Os) composition is controlled by the mass balance of unradiogenic Os input from mantle and extraterrestrial sources (~0.126) and riverine input of radiogenic material following weathering of ancient continent crust (~1.4 today) (Peucker-Ehrenbrink and Ravizza, 2000).…”
Section: No Hg Evidence In North America For a Volcanic Trigger Of Th...mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Thus, if volcanism indeed occurred at this time, it is likely to be a small/transient event that differs from other LIPs claimed to be responsible for major environmental/biotic perturbations. For example, LIP activity associated with the Late Cretaceous Cenomanian-Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event lasted ~200 kyr and is marked by a global-scale shift to very unradiogenic values in the sedimentary Os isotope record (e.g., Du Vivier et al, 2014Percival et al, 2020;Jones et al, 2020). Prolonged unradiogenic Os isotope shifts are also documented in response to widespread igneous activity related to the Central Atlantic magmatic province during the Triassic-Jurassic boundary interval (Cohen and Coe, 2002;Kuroda et al, 2010).…”
Section: No Hg Evidence In North America For a Volcanic Trigger Of Th...mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The basin rapidly filled with volcanoclastic input from the east and transitioned from low terrestrial vegetation productivity (e.g., shallow/coastal marine habitats) to highly productive habitats (e.g., paralic to fluvial and lacustrine environments). Such labile and frequently disturbed environments were likely further disturbed by the sauropods themselves, and this was set within a backdrop of variable or seasonal local climate ( Fletcher, Moss & Salisbury, 2018 ) and major mid-Cretaceous global climatic fluctuations ( Hay, 2011 ) associated with volcanism ( Percival et al, 2020 ). Of note, a combination of frequent disturbance with climatic variability and instability has been proposed as a mechanism that maintained megaherbivore diversity of Quaternary megafauna ( Mann et al, 2018 ).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Different geochemical proxies obtained from the European epicontinental basins, the Western Interior Seaway (WIS) and the North and equatorial Atlantic Ocean suggest a 5 to 11°C drop in seasurface temperatures, increased equator-to-pole temperature gradients, and a 400 to 600 ppmv decrease of the atmospheric pCO 2 levels, which has been generally related to the burial of organic matter during the initial phase of OAE 2 (e.g., Arthur et al, 1988;Kump and Arthur, 1999;Paul et al, 1999;Tsikos et al, 2004;Voigt et al, 2006;Forster et al, 2007;Sinninghe Damsté et al, 2010;Jarvis et al, 2011;Jenkyns et al, 2017;Kuhnt et al, 2017;Gale et al, 2019). However, the timing and magnitude of cooling might have been modulated by local factors (O'Connor et al, 2020;Percival et al, 2020) and evidence for cooling are doubtful (Gangl et al, 2019;Petrizzo et al, 2021) or missing from the Southern Hemisphere and from the Pacific Ocean, where the OAE 2 interval is often incomplete (e.g., Ando et al, 2009;Jiménez Berrocoso et al, 2015;Falzoni et al, 2016a;Robinson et al, 2019) or shows a noisy  13 C record (Takashima et al, 2011) that complicates the chemostratigraphic correlations.…”
Section: J O U R N a L P R E -P R O O Fmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The typical OAE 2 hot greenhouse climate conditions re-established soon after the PCE likely as a response to a reduced rate of silicate weathering (Robinson et al, 2019;Percival et al, 2020) and/or to the LIP(s) reactivation after brief quiescence (Sullivan et al, 2020).…”
Section: J O U R N a L P R E -P R O O Fmentioning
confidence: 99%