“…Those described in the literature (Table IV) include complete atresia of the urinary system [Francis, 1940;Burkitt 1961;Miller, 19721, absence of one or both kidneys [Chappel, 1958;Remzi, 19661, horseshoe kidneys [Leb et al, 19741, ectopic pelvic kidney [Cohen-Addad et al, 1985;McKenzie et al, 19941, polycystic or dysplastic kidneys [Huffman, 1951;Anlar and Ayabakam, 1986;Lage et al, 1987;McKenzie et al, 19941, obstructive uropathy with reflux [Remzi, 1966;McKenzie et al, 19941, megaureter [Leb et al, 19741, and hydronephrosis [Cohen-Addad et al, 1985;Schofield et al, 1992;McKenzie et al, 19941. Mental retardation was observed in all 3 of our surviving cases (100%) and 3 of 7 survivors (43%) in the literature [Cohen-Addad et al, 1985;Remzi, 1966;Schofield et al, 19921. Hypospadias was observed in one of our cases (20%), and in 5/16 (31%) literature cases [Forshall and Rickham, 1956;Chappel, 1958;Leb et al, 1974;Cohen-Addad et al, 1985;Lage et al, 19871.…”