The study aims to identify the contribution of the professional development system theory and skills for teachers in the approach of quality education in the area of acquiring knowledge theory skills, standard requirement theory skills, observed model theory skills, implementation theory skills, and effectiveness theory skills, and reflection theory skills. The study employs the descriptive quantitative research method and designs since it identifies the various approaches to the professional development system theory and skills. The convenience sampling method is utilized in the gathering of the population and sampling size of the study. It is the most popular method in the current study where it influences the trustworthiness of the number of sizes in the study to provide better results. The respondents of the study are the professional teachers at the Department of Education (DepEd), and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in both private and public institutions. The study comprised ninety (90) respondents only. Results show that most of the respondents are female, belong to the age bracket of 41 years and above, and teaching for 21 years and above, and their highest educational attainment is college graduate where they are qualified to teach. On the other hand, contribution of professional development system in the area of acquiring knowledge theory skills shows to develop knowledge and skills in the simple process and application of learning, and provides skills and knowledge to understand the process of instruction in teaching process, contribution of professional development system in the area of standard requirements theory skills shows that effective teacher skills include a well-organized classroom to avoid distraction in the classroom learning process, and need to develop leadership skills inside or outside the classroom teaching and learning responsibility, contribution of professional development system in the area of observed model theory skills shows that effective communication is essential since it provides the process and ability to listen and focuses on appropriate manner and thoughts of individuals, contribution of professional development system in the area of implementation theory skills shows that it provides students learning and teaching effectively to access and equip continuous opportunity for learning, and promotes opportunities and professional development for the mindset growth and outcome to support the learning process, contribution of professional development system in the area of effectiveness theory skills shows that it adopts effectiveness for professional development standard design and guide in professional learning, and addresses to provide opportunities and needs in the educational setting and collaboration for professional development system, and contribution of professional development system in the area of reflection theory skills shows that it describes tools for teachers to evaluate and observe the learning process and reflects systematic teaching process, recording, collecting, and analyzing the observation and thoughts of teachers. Findings show that there is no significant correlation between the profile of the respondents and the contribution of the professional development system theory and skills for teachers in the approach to quality education.<p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0222/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>