“…Fountoulakis et al: Temperature dependence of the Brewer global UV measurements B irradiance that reaches the Earth surface (Fioletov et al, 2001;Kerr and McElroy, 1993;McKenzie et al, 1999) and quantified the interaction between the solar UV irradiance, the Earth surface and the atmospheric components which mainly control its levels, such as ozone, sulfur dioxide, aerosols and clouds (e.g., Arola et al, 2003;Bais et al, 1993;Bernhard et al, 2007;Fioletov et al, 1998). Spectral measurements from Brewers have been used widely for climatological studies of biologically effective UV doses (e.g., Fioletov et al, 2003Fioletov et al, , 2009Kimlin, 2004), validation of satellite products (e.g., Arola et al, 2002;Bernhard et al, 2015;Kazadzis et al, 2009) and validation of radiative transfer models (Kazantzidis et al, 2001;Mayer et al, 1997). Lately, spectra from stations with long measurement records have been used for the study of the changes of the solar UV irradiance, showing that changes in air quality and climate have an important impact on its short-and long-term variability (De Bock et al, 2014;Fountoulakis et al, 2016a;Fragkos et al, 2016;Lakkala et al, 2017;Simic et al, 2011;Smedley et al, 2012;Zerefos et al, 2012).…”