KAPUR PA, CAMPOS JH, BUCHEA OC. Plasma diltjazem levels, cardiovascular function, and coronary hemodynamics during enflurane anesthesia in the dog. Anesth Analg 1986;65:918-24.Diltiazein 7ons ndininistered to dogs by a n intraueiious illfiisiori protocol, which resulted in plasma levels of 71 ? 6 ( I i = 7 ) , 139 ? 9 ( n = 7), 353 i 33 ( n = l o ) , and 1064 ? 143 (11 = 6) ng/ml, to ezialunte the effects of diltiazetn on i-nrrfiouasculur functioii mid coronar>y heinodynainics in the prescnce of mesthetic concentratioiis of enfluranc. An additional xroup of six dogs receizied enf7iirane only. The only c h a n p olwrued zilith eiiflurnne alone were 17 decrease in Icft z~entricular (LV) dPldt, cardinc index (Cl), nnd coronariy blood f7ozi1 60 inin after the haselirie m m i i r m e n t s were rnadr. I n all of fhe diltiazem groups, p l a s m leuel-related donga at ion of tkc PR interval of the elecfrocnrdiogrnrn iias observed, iiiith developinent of second degree henrt block and jrriictionnl rhythms in animals at the tziio hiRher plasma Jc~w/s. Mean nrterial pressure and LV dPidt decreased nt the two higher diltiazein plusinn leuels after 30 inin (if itrfusion, nnd three of six dogs in the highest group had to be dropped froin the study because of severe hypotension. The cardiac index ZORS no different from enflurane alone with the three lower plasma diltiazem levels. No changes were obserued in coronary sinus blood flow, coronary vascular resistnnce, inyocardinl oxygen uptake, or myocardial lactate extraction. Circulating norepinephrine levels were elevated in the tzoo higher diltiazein groups. In the presence of anesthetic coticentrations of enflurane, over the range of plasma diltiazein leziels investigated in this study, conduction effects w r e proriiinent and decreases in left ventricular performance and hlood pressure occurred as plasma diltiazem levels iiicreased. No untoward effects on global myocardial metnholisin zuere detected at plasma levels less than 500 ngi nil. However, the occurrence of circulatory collapse in half of the nninials at the highest plasma levels prevented evaluation of nietabolic effects of high levels of diltiazem during enflurane anesthesia.Diltiazem has a spectrum of clinical usefulness similar to that of verapamil (1-6). Because combined cardiovascular depressant effects may limit the use of verapamil in the presence of inhalation anesthestics (7), diltiazem may be a potential alternative if therapeutically indicated during inhalation anesthesia. Previous work in our laboratory has demonstrated that clinically relevant plasma levels of diltiazem are generally well-tolerated during 1.5% end-tidal isoflurane anesthesia in a canine model (8). Plasma level-related prolongation of the PR interval of the electrocardiogram and mild depression of left ventricular dPidt were the major findings. No alterations in global left ventricular oxygen consumption or coronary hemodynamics were noted. However, the previous study was limited to isoflurane and to plasma levels of diltiazem less than 60...