“…It had been based on the cubital index (Alpatov, 1948;Goetze, 1959), which is a proportion of two vein lengths, but later the angles between wing vein intersections were included in the measurements (DuPraw, 1965). Recently, the wings have been described according to the coordinates of landmarks located in forewing vein intersections (Francoy et al, 2008;Tofilski, 2008;Barour & Baylac, 2016;Ángel-Beamonte et al, 2018;Bustamante et al, 2020;Dukku & Danailu, 2020;). This method, called geometric morphometrics, has proven to be effective in the discrimination of honey bee subspecies (Gerula et al, 2009) and lineages (Nawrocka et al, 2017).…”