By using the technique of laser light-scattering spectroscopy, direct observation has been made on the intracellular accumulation of a crystallin protein within the cells of chicken embryo lens during the process of development. Appearance of 8-crystallin has been detected as early as day 4, and its concentration reaches a plateau at day 19. The measurements constitute a noninvasive determination of accumulation of protein molecules that specifically characterize the process of cell differentiation.Rapid progress is being made in the understanding of molecular events of cellular differentiation, particularly at the level of gene expression. Lens cell differentiation has been a favorable system of investigation because it is associated with a marked change in morphology (cell elongation) and differential synthesis of the soluble proteins (crystallins). The crystallins, or structural proteins within the lens, comprise as much as 90% of the soluble protein of the lens. There are four families of crystallins (a-, f3, y, and 8-crystallin), with 6-crystallin being confined to birds and reptiles (1,2). Reviews on lens differentiation and lens crystallins can be found elsewhere (3-6).In the chicken lens, 8-crystallin is the first crystallin to appear (7) and can be detected already at the lens placode stage of development (8, 9). This protein accumulates in the embryonic lens until it comprises 70-80% of the soluble protein in the developing lens fiber cells (10-12). 8-Crystallin synthesis gradually ceases during the first few months after hatching (13)(14)(15). Consequently, the concentration of 8-crystallin is high in the center (nucleus) of the adult lens, which contains cells deposited early in development, and is low or absent at the periphery of the lens (cortex), which contains the cells deposited later in development (16) (Fig. 1) where q = (4ir/X) sin(6/2) is the scattering wave number, X is the wavelength of the laser light in water, 6 is the scattering angle (. = 900 in this experiment), and A and B are constants proportional to the square of concentration and molecular weight of the macromolecules. The diffusion coefficient is further related, via the Stokes-Einstein-Kawasaki-Ferrel formula, to the correlation length, a, of the macromolecules D = kT/6mrra, where k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute temperature, and qj is the viscosity of water. The correlation length a is the average distance beyond which the motion of neighboring macromolecules becomes independent. When interaction is negligible, the correlation length is simply the hydrodynamic radius of the macromolecules.When there are macromolecules of different sizes and, therefore, different diffusion coefficients, the correlation function is given by the superposition of the correlation functions corresponding to each size. By precise analysis of the correlation function, it is, in principle, possible to determine the size distribution and the concentration of the macromolecules.
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