“…B, representative EMSA analysis of the 36-bp ACH promoter fragment incubated with 10 g of cytoplasmic proteins isolated from smooth muscle myoblasts (lanes 1-3), immature smooth muscle myocytes (lanes 4 -6), neonatal mature smooth muscle myocytes (lanes 7-9), adult mature smooth muscle myocytes (lanes 10 and 11), normal myometrium (lanes 12-14), uterine leiomyomas (lanes [15][16][17], and uterine leiomyosarcomas (lanes 18 -20). Lanes 1,4,7,10,12,15, and 18, NE ϩ labeled ACH; lanes 2,5,8,11,13,16, and 19, NE ϩ labeled ACH ϩ SRF antibody; and lanes 3,6,9,14,17, and 20, NE ϩ labeled ACH ϩ TN domain antibody. Primary bands are identified alphabetically in series with reference to previous figures.…”