We report on Doppler-free laser spectroscopy in a Cs vapor cell using a dual-frequency laser system tuned on the Cs D1 line. Using counter-propagating beams with crossed linear polarizations, an original sign-reversal of the usual saturated absorption dip and large increase in Doppler-free atomic absorption is observed. This phenomenon is explained by coherent population trapping (CPT) effects. The impact of laser intensity and light polarization on absorption profiles is reported in both single-frequency and dual-frequency regimes. In the latter, frequency stabilization of two diode lasers was performed, yielding a beat-note fractional frequency stability at the level of 3 × 10 −12 at 1 s averaging time. These performances are about an order of magnitude better than those obtained using a conventional single-frequency saturated absorption scheme.
PACS numbers:In gas cell experiments, saturated absorption spectroscopy or Doppler-free spectroscopy [1,2] is an elegant technique to circumvent Doppler broadening and to allow the detection of natural-linewidth resonance dips in the bottom of absorption profiles. This method, frequently used to stabilize the frequency of a laser to a particular atomic line, is applied in atomic frequency standards [3], magnetometers [4], laser-cooling experiments [5] or atom interferometry. Laser fractional frequency stability in the 10 −13 −10 −11 range at 1 s integration time can be obtained by combining saturated absorption techniques and narrow-linewidth diode lasers [6][7][8][9][10]. In a common saturated absorption scheme, two counter-propagating laser beams of same frequency, a pump-beam and a probe beam, derived from a single laser beam, overlap one another in an atomic vapor cell. Since both beams have the same frequency, the Doppler effect brings different velocity groups into resonance with each beam. On resonance, only atoms presenting zero velocity along the light propagation axis actually experience the two beams with the same laser frequency. If the pump-beam intensity is high enough, the ground state is depleted and therefore the absorption of the probe beam is reduced compared to the case without pump beam. In this case, a so-called Lamb dip, with lorentzian profile, appears at the resonance frequency of the atomic transition in the bottom of a gaussian Doppler-broadened absorption profile. The full-width at half maximum (FWHM) of the Dopplerfree Lamb dip can be at low laser intensity as small as the natural linewidth of the atomic transition (4.6 MHz for the Cs D 1 line). This process is relatively easy to understand in the case of a simple two-level atom with a single-frequency laser system. In real experience, alkali atoms exhibit a complex multi-level energy structure with hyperfine structure splitting and numerous Zeeman sub-levels, especially in the Cs case (see Fig. 1). Such multi-level structures can lead, under appropriate conditions, to a sign reversal of saturation resonances [11][12][13].In the present article, we report on a Doppler-free laser frequency s...