“…Coded caching is finding its application in modern technologies and services, such as content delivery [10][11][12], mobile computing [13][14][15], and information-enteric networks [16]. Different aspects of coded caching have recently been studied among which we can refer to as [17], centralized [18,19] and decentralized [18,19] coded caching, placement [20] and delivery [21,22] schemes, as well as added pre-fetching phase [23], multi-casting [22,[24][25][26], scheduling [27], error correction [28], clustering [29], heterogeneity [12,25,30], the impact of file size [31,32], dealing with non-uniform user demands [33] and peak-time traffic reduction [1]. Moreover, security in coded caching has been considered as a concern [20,[34][35][36] and cryptography has been among the best-studied security mechanisms for use in coded caching [37,38].…”