“…Furthermore, some glaciers advanced in Greenland during this interval (Alley et al, 2010). Moraines of the Milne Land Stage (MLS) in East Greenland record a significant readvance of both independent glaciers and the GrIS margin and are broadly constrained to the YD (Funder, 1972(Funder, , 1978Denton et al, 2005;Kelly et al, 2008;Hall et al, 2008b;Alexanderson and Håkansson, 2014). There is also evidence for a glacial readvance in West Greenland during this interval; Jakobshavn Isbrae briefly readvanced to a position on the outer-shelf , and the mid-shelf Fiskebanke moraines further south may have formed during a YD readvance (Weidick et al, 2004;Funder et al, 2011).…”