“…These specialized skills do promote social networks and relationships that are stable as there is exchange of knowledge through interaction or through practicing over a period of time (Gereffi & Lee, 2016;Newman, Page, Rand, Shimeles, Söderbom, & Tarp, 2016). Evidently, it can be seen that firms within an industry cluster turn to be more innovative and competitive than those outside the cluster (Branco & Lopes, 2018;Lindberg & Säll, 2013;Porter, 2000) because an empirical evidence by Prim et al (2016) proves that a significant source by which firms can generate innovation, competition and sustenance is through agglomeration economies of a cluster. The operational patterns of clusters have the flexibility in adjusting to uncertain business transformations (Purwanto, Kamaruddin, & Mohamad, 2015;He, Rayman-Bacchus, & Wu, 2011) and may explain why cluster entities that are not properly connected fail (Bankova, 2015;McCormick, 1998).…”