IntroductionThe study of mortality dates back to the seventeenth century [1][2][3]. Graunt's [1] work on the 'Bill of mortality' sets a premise for the establishment of mathematical modeling in the area of mortality. In the nineteenth century, Gompertz [4] developed a mathematical formula that estimated mortality at different ages. Gompertz's [4] theory established that mortality increases at geometric progression at a particular age and forwarded that this can be represented by a mortality risk function µ(x) = α. e Makeham's [6] function that it does not hold true at older ages and that it overly estimated mortality at older ages (80+ years) [7,8], the work has laid the foundation upon which many studies have been framed [9]. The life tables is one of the creations that emerged from mortality statistics [10,11], which was used to indicate life expectancy or health of a population.The literature speaks to decreasing mortality at younger ages, Bourgeois-Pichat [12,13] proposed disaggregating infant mortality in endogenous and exogenous (accidents or infections) components and fitted this by the formula:, where a is a constant denoting the endogenous process, cumulative death in the cohort by age n (in days). Modifications are well documented in the literature to Bourgeois-Pichat's [13] work, which guide contemporary studies in the area. Examining child health, using infant and child mortality rates in Peru, Paxson and Schady [14] found that infant mortality increased during economic crisis and that infant and child mortality followed a collinear pattern over the studied period (1978-to-1999). Paxson and Schady [14] like early scholar fitted infant mortality rates with linear models for each year of birth: M it = α + X it βit + ε it , where M it is child born in year t to mother I died in the first year of life, X it is maternal characteristics (level of schooling, age, area of residence) and the error term, ε it .The earlier pioneers are still guiding the directions of contemporary scholarships. In 1992, Waldmann [15] assessing infant mortality and income, used log (infant mortality) = β log (Nonrich Income) + γRich Share. He modified the early model as follows: log (infant mortality) = β 0 + β 1 log (Poor Income) + β 2 log(Middle Income) + γRich Share + δYear 1970. Using the aforementioned model, Waldmann [15] found a positive correlation between log(Poor income) and log infant mortality and a negative one for log middle income and log infant mortality.
AbstractBackground: Mortality is filled with studies that evaluated infant mortality, child mortality, and income distribution and mortality, but no single research in the English-speaking Caribbean has wholly examined child mortality, inflation, infant mortality, poverty and economic crisis as well as modeling those phenomena.