In the order Porphyridiales there are three clades based on molecular evidence. These show parallels with the low molecular weight carbohydrate (LMWCs) in different genera. Clade Porphyridiales 1 includes Dixoniella, Glaucosphaera, Rhodella, and one undescribed genus (3987) that all contain mannitol. Clade Porphyridiales 2 comprises taxa of the Stylonematales Rhodosorus and Stylonema species and contains digeneaside and sorbitol, whereas Chroodactylon has only sorbitol. In clade Porphyridiales 3 Flintiella, Porphyridium, and the undescribed genus (3797) all possess only floridoside. In the Erythropeltidales Rhodochaete contains floridoside and digeneaside, Erythrotrichia species contain only floridoside, Sahlingia subintegra has floridoside and traces of D‐floridoside, and Smithora has L‐isofloridoside plus floridoside. In the Compsopogonales Boldia and Compsopogon have only floridoside. Within these genera as presently circumscribed, the LMWCs appear to be a reliable character to supplement the usual cytological characters.