“…Correlates of depressive and anxious disorders in childhood also include the experience of adverse life events, and an absence of peers in whom to confide (Burns, Andrews, & Szabo, 2002;Lagges & Dunn, 2003;Wolff, 1995). Parents who tend to model, prompt and reinforce anxious behaviours in their children, who exhibit signs of over-control, over-protection, and anxious behaviours in themselves, also place their children at high risk of developing an internalising disorder (Beitchman, Inglis, & Schachter, 1992a;Bernstein, Borchardt, & Perwien, 1996;Donovan & Spence, 2000). Teachers and parents can misinterpret or even miss anxious or depressive behaviours in children, given that these symptoms often lead to a child being compliant and nondisruptive (Holmes, Slaughter, & Kashani, 2001).…”