“…The new data also prompt a reassessment of the systematic and phylogenetic relationships between anthracotheriids and hippopotamids, which have been an active subject of debate ever since it was hypothesised that hippos are more closely related to whales than to artiodactyls (Montgelard et al, 1997a(Montgelard et al, , 1997bGatesy, 1998Gatesy, , 1999Gatesy et al, 1996Gatesy et al, , 1999Boisserie et al, 2005aBoisserie et al, , 2005bGomes-Rodrigues et al, 2021). It is herein concluded that hippopotamids are unlikely to have descended from anthracotheres, because such a scenario would require evolutionary reversals in several anatomical complexes (dentition, atlas, axis, sacrum, radio-ulna, talus and metapodials among others).…”