A two-part annotated check-list of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of Morocco aims to present updated information on this rather neglected group of parasitoid wasps. The first part includes 113 species belonging to 65 genera from 11 subfamilies – Asaphinae, Cerocephalinae, Cleonyminae, Eunotinae, Macromesinae, Miscogastrinae, Ormocerinae, Pireninae, Pteromalinae, Spalangiinae, and Sycoryctinae. One species, Cleonymus longigaster Mitroiu sp. nov., is described as new, and three species (Notanisus versicolor Walker, 1837 and Miscogaster maculata Walker, 1833 and Gastrancistus aff. vagans Westwood, 1833) are newly recorded for the fauna of Morocco. For each species, its distribution in Morocco and hosts are presented.