The unique confinement of shock waves inside isolated liquid volumes amplifies the density of shock-liquid interactions. We investigate this universal principle through an interdisciplinary study of shock-induced cavitation inside liquid volumes, isolated in 2 and 3 dimensions. By combining high-speed visualizations of ideal water drops realized in microgravity with smoothed particle simulations, we evidence strong shock-induced cavitation at the focus of the confined shocks. We extend this analysis to ground-observations of jets and drops using an analytic model and argue that cavitation caused by trapped shocks offers a distinct mechanism of erosion in high-speed impacts ð100 ms À1 Þ.Shock waves in liquids are a common cause of cavitation, 1-5 in particular when shocks are reflected and focussed. 6 Famous examples include shock-induced cavitation in lithotripsy 7,8 and the "white crown" on the sea surface following an underwater detonation. 9-11 However, little is known about shock-induced cavitation inside "isolated" liquid volumes, 12 which are completely bounded by a free surface. The crucial feature of such systems is their unique confinement: the closed surface acts as a mirror trapping the shock and amplifying its local interaction with the fluid. Experimental hints for the importance of this mechanism for generating cavitation were provided by some of the earliest high-speed visualizations of shocked drops [Ref. 13, see reprint in Fig. 1(a)].In this letter, we study the amplification of shockinduced cavitation in liquid volumes isolated in three dimensions (3D), such as drops, and in two dimensions (2D), such as jets. Illustrations of shock-driven cavitation in both cases are provided in Fig. 1. To understand this cavitation, we perform a systematic experimental study of shock-induced cavitation inside large, spherical water drops. These drops are realized in microgravity conditions aboard parabolic flights (European Space Agency, 42nd Parabolic Flight Campaign). In parallel to those experiments, we provide a quantitative explanation of the observed cavitation patterns through numerical simulations of dissipative shocks inside spheres and derive an analytic model to predict the location of shock-induced cavitation. Thereby, we demonstrate that shock-induced cavitation in isolated volumes is a universal phenomenon. Finally, we discuss a potential implication of cavitation caused by trapped shocks for drop erosion of solid surfaces.Our microgravity experiment can be seen as an ideal laboratory for the study of shock dynamics inside stable drops. The setup [details in Ref. 15] can produce a spherical drop of demineralized water (diameter D ¼ 16-26 mm). This drop is smoothly expelled through an injector tube, which also serves as a permanent attach-point for the drop (see Fig. 2, left). A movable pair of electrodes penetrating the drop from the top in Fig. 2 releases a fast (10 ns) discharge at a specific location within the drop. This discharge forms a supersonically expanding point-plasma [physics in Ref....