“…The changes of biomass, growth, and mortality of trees could reflect a distribution of responses Months Months to resource availability and site condition dynamics (Feeley et al, 2007) and diversity shifting (Astiani, 2016). Our previous study demonstrated that reduced rainfall in peatlands lowered the water table (R= -0.44) from the peat surface (Astiani, 2014) which has been demonstrated to have positive effects on Net Primary Production in some northern peatlands (Laiho & Laine, 1997;Minkkinen, Korhonen, Savolainen, & Laine, 2002;Laiho, Vasander, Penttilä, & Laine, 2003). Even though lowering of the water table level due to the establishment of drainage ditches reduced the biomass growth of the trees, when we calculated cumulatively within the six years of assessments (before and post canal presence) it showed that a significant additional growth occurred, whereby stand basal area of trees increased by 27%.…”