Methods to control and monitor the susceptibility of vectors has been studied.Government agencies like World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has recommended methodologies bioassays for evaluating resistance in mosquitoes in the laboratory. The goal is to perform susceptibility testing is to detect the presence of resistant individuals in a population of insects so that we can, as soon as possible, initiate alternative control plans, thus avoiding additional costs and problems in reducing the vector population. However, some aspects of these methodologies are questionable and may denigrate as effective methodology to find out if a population is resistant to a particular insecticide. For example: 1) Method of Impregnated Paper (WHO) has some disadvantages such as high cost of material failures counted mosquito with the treated surface and the possibility of loss of individuals during handling equipment, 2) The Method of Intrinsic Activity of Insecticide (WHO) proposes the use of CO2 and low temperature to anesthetize mosquitoes and acetone as diluent and insecticide application with a micro-capillary that provides drops of 0.1 µl. However, the means of anesthesia leading to physiological stress, low temperature retards the evaporation of acetone and the micro-capillary will not release the correct volume of solution, and 3) the method of Impregnated bottle (CDC) enables receiving mosquito insecticide only by tarsal contact and thus the amount of insecticide received by the insect can not be sufficiently lethal. This study aimed to develop a methodology that would eliminate such disadvantages. It was possible to demonstrate that exposure of male and female Aedes aegypti CO 2 , low temperature, or both leads to a significant mortality. A method of immobilization by suction was developed using a portable vacuum cleaner. This method allowed for the immobilization of mosquitoes and flies (Chloropidae), having a low mosquito mortality after only 60 min. permanent immobilization, concluding that the immobilization method by suction can override the methods of anesthesia. A liquid application method was proposed, using dispersers perfume, and one of the parameters evaluated droplet size. The results demonstrated that it is possible to use the dispersers for insecticide application, as there uniformity in droplet size. Using this application method, we evaluated the possibility to use acetone vii 9 or ethanol as diluent insecticides, and acetone caused high mortality in female and male Ae. aegypti and thus it was proposed to use alcohol. The methodology proposed here was used to analyze the susceptibility of the mosquito Aedes aegypti (Culicidae) and flyLiohippelates nigrifons (Chloropidae) to insecticides Malathion and Deltamethrin. It was possible to establish baseline susceptibility, and the LC 50 concentration diagnosis.Moreover, it was possible to detect the resistance of a Ae. aegypti originating from the field. It is concluded that the method of immobilization associated liquid applica...