Abstract. In this paper, we present recent developments in the AltErgo SMT-solver to e ciently discharge proof obligations (POs) generated by Atelier B. This includes a new plugin architecture to facilitate experiments with di erent SAT engines, new heuristics to handle quantied formulas, and important modi cations in its internal data structures to boost performances of core decision procedures. Experiments realized on more than 10,000 POs generated from industrial B projects show signi cant improvements. Alt-Ergo is an open-source SMT solver capable of reasoning in a combination of several built-in theories such as uninterpreted equality, integer and rational arithmetic, arrays, records, enumerated data types and AC symbols. It is the unique SMT solver that natively handles polymorphic rst-order quanti ed formulas, which makes it particularly suitable for program veri cation. For instance, AltErgo is used as a back-end of SPARK and Frama-C to discharge proof obligations generated from Ada and C programs, respectively. Recently, we started using Alt-Ergo in the context of the ANR project BWare [8] which aims at integrating SMT solvers as back-ends of Atelier B.The proof obligations sent to Alt-Ergo are extracted from Atelier B as logical formulas that are combined with a (polymorphic) model of B's set theory [7]. This process relies on the Why3 platform [6] which can target a wide range of SMT solvers. However, we show (Section 2) on a large benchmark of industrial B projects that it is not immediate to obtain a substantial gain of performances by using SMT solvers. Without a speci c tunning for B, Alt-Ergo together with other SMT solvers compete just equally with Atelier B's prover on those industrial benchmarks.In this paper, we report on recent developments in Alt-Ergo that signi cantly improve its capacities to handle POs coming from Atelier B. Our improvements are: (1) better heuristics for instantiating polymorphic quanti ed formulas from B model; (2) new e cient internal data structures; (3) a plugin architecture to facilitate experiments with di erent SAT engines; and (4) the implementation of a new CDCL-based SAT solver.