“…This means that we can calculate J 2 z from a knowledge of J z , leading to the following result for the bulk effective longitudinal resistivity at the points (minima) where it is saturated: 11) where p ac is the (active) volume fraction of the current-carrying slabs. When B and J are along the (100)-like directions, we have p ac = 1 − 2a (a is the cylinder radius, 1 is the edge length of the square unit cell), and this leads to reasonable agreement of (2.11) with the values of ρ (e) /ρ (2) 0 at the saturated minima in those directions-see Figs 5B, E, and H. In the directions of the other minima, p ac has smaller values-those are consistent with the larger values of ρ (e) /ρ (2) 0 at those minima, some of which are unsaturated (i.e., (2.11) then provides an upper bound on the actual value at the minimum). We note that a strict step-function structure of J z , as described here, is of course inconsistent with J y ≡ J x ≡ 0 for any finite value of H .…”