“…Within the reviewed articles, the mostly used research context is the firm level (11) and it spreads into different fields such as food (Järvenpää and Länsiluoto, 2016), multinationals (Lambert and Sponem, 2011), manufacturing (Englund et al , 2013; Jazayeri et al , 2011), pharmaceutical (Dambrin et al , 2007; Singh and Jayanti, 2013), hotels (Cruz et al , 2009), microfinance (Battilana and Dorado, 2010), oil and gas (Herremans and Nazari, 2016; Mineev, 2015) and fabric (Schäffer et al , 2015). This is followed by research settings in non-profit organizations (eight; for example, Amans et al , 2015; Carlsson-Wall et al , 2016; Järvinen, 2016; Leotta and Ruggeri, 2015) and then state-owned entities (six; for example Ancelin-Bourguignon et al , 2012; Hyvönen et al , 2009; Kasumba, 2013) and education/higher education institutes (four).…”