To assess the dose of oral fenoterol, a ß2-receptor stimulant, which provided
optimal bronchodilation with minimal side effects, we studied 12 children using a doubleblind
crossover comparison of three dose levels, 2.5, 5 and 7.5 mg, and a placebo. Ventilatory
function, pulse rate, blood pressure and clinical examination were compared over a
3-hour period. Administration offenoterol resulted in bronchodilation; a maximal effect was
seen at 60-90 min lasting over the period of the study. 7.5 mg of fenoterol produced the
maximal bronchodilation, but it was not significantly different from 5 mg. Side effects were
minimal and no significant drug-response relationship was noted for blood pressure and
pulse rate. 5 mg of fenoterol provided optimal bronchodilation with minimal side effects.