“…The painful or "negative" feelings associated with sexual offending included anger (Erickson, Walbeck, & Seely, 1987;Pithers, 1987), anxiety (Pithers, 1987(Pithers, , 1990, depression (Grossman & Cavanaugh, 1990; Kafka & Prentky, 1994;Pithers, 1987), boredom (Pithers, 1987), frustration (Pithers, 1987), rejection (Carnes, 1992), unrealistic fears (Pithers, 1987(Pithers, , 1990, guilt (Coleman, 1986), loneliness (Ward, McCormack, & Hudson, 1997;Seidman, Marshall, Hudson, & Robertson, 1994), self-pity (Marshall & Mazzucco, 1995;Pithers, Beal, Armstrong, & Petty, 1989;Pithers, 1987), shame (Carnes, 1992), resentments (Pithers, 1987), unresolved grief or loss (Finkelhor, 1986;Pithers, 1987), inadequacy or insecurity (Dwyer & Amberson, 1989;Ganzarian & Buchele, 1990;Pithers, 1987;, and sexual abuse trauma (Abel, Becker, Mittelman, Cunningham-Raher, Rouleau, & Murphy, 1987;Baker, 1985;Blanchard, 1989;Laws, 1980;Madel, 1986;Mayer, 1985;Nakken, 1989;Parker & Parker, 1986;Schaef, 1987).…”