“…For example, Botta et al (1985), Courtois et al (1989), and Niederman et al (1995) showed that the levels of SCCA in the plaque and GCF of patients diagnosed as having periodontal diseases were significantly higher than those found in plaque and GCF from healthy subjects. SCCA can inhibit neutrophil function (Kyner et al, 1976;Touw et al, 1982;Rotstein et al, 1987Rotstein et al, , 1988Eftimiadi et al, 1993), increase gene and protein expression (Stringer et al, 1996;Swartout and Niederman, 1997), increase cytokine gene expression (Bingel et al, 1987;Eftimiadi et al, 1991;KuritaOchiai et al, 1995;Zhang, 1996), and delay apoptosis (Stringer et al, 1996). The subject was reviewed recently by Niederman et al (1997).…”