“…We deliberately designed the rotation rate to be different from the looming sound rate so that their changes over time did not match. Following previous attentional studies of unisensory ambiguous perception, we examined voluntary control over visual rivalry by comparing "active" and "passive" conditions (Helmholtz, 1866;Lack, 1978;Peterson and Hochberg, 1983;Leopold and Logothetis, 1999;Suzuki and Peterson, 2000;Hol et al, 2003;Toppino, 2003;Meng and Tong, 2004;Chong et al, 2005;Slotnick and Yantis, 2005;van Ee et al, 2005van Ee et al, , 2006Brouwer and van Ee, 2006;Chong and Blake, 2006;Hancock and Andrews, 2007). In the passive condition, no attentional control was exerted in favor of either visual pattern.…”