Salivary glands express multiple isoforms of P2X and P2Y nucleotide receptors, but their in vivo physiological roles are unclear. P2 receptor agonists induced salivation in an ex vivo submandibular gland preparation. The nucleotide selectivity sequence of the secretion response was BzATP Ͼ Ͼ ATP > ADP Ͼ Ͼ UTP, and removal of external Ca 2؉ dramatically suppressed the initial ATP-induced fluid secretion (ϳ85%). Together, these results suggested that P2X receptors are the major purinergic receptor subfamily involved in the fluid secretion process. Mice with targeted disruption of the P2X 7 gene were used to evaluate the role of the P2X 7 receptor in nucleotide-evoked fluid secretion. P2X 7 receptor protein and BzATPactivated inward cation currents were absent, and importantly, purinergic receptor agonist-stimulated salivation was suppressed by more than 70% in submandibular glands from P2X 7 -null mice. Consistent with these observations, the ATP-induced increases in [Ca 2؉ ] i were nearly abolished in P2X 7 ؊/؊ submandibular acinar and duct cells. ATP appeared to also act through the P2X 7 receptor to inhibit muscarinic-induced fluid secretion. These results demonstrate that the ATP-sensitive P2X 7 receptor regulates fluid secretion in the mouse submandibular gland.Salivation is a Ca 2ϩ -dependent process (1, 2) primarily associated with the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and acetylcholine, release of which stimulates ␣-adrenergic and muscarinic receptors, respectively. Both types of receptors are coupled to G proteins that activate phospholipase C (PLC) during salivary gland stimulation. PLC activation cleaves phosphatidylinositol 1,4-bisphosphate resulting in diacylglycerol and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP 3 ) production. Activation of Ca 2ϩ -selective InsP 3 receptor channels localized to the endoplasmic reticulum of salivary acinar cells increases the intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca 2ϩ ] i ). 4 Depletion of the endoplasmic reticulum Ca 2ϩ pool triggers extracellular Ca 2ϩ influx and a sustained elevation in [Ca 2ϩ ] i . This increase in [Ca 2ϩ ] i activates Ca 2ϩ -dependent K ϩ and Cl Ϫ channels promoting Cl Ϫ secretion across the apical membrane and a lumen negative, electrochemical gradient that supports Na ϩ efflux into the lumen. The accumulation of NaCl creates an osmotic gradient which drives water movement into the lumen, thus generating isotonic primary saliva. This primary fluid is then modified by the ductal system, which reabsorbs NaCl and secretes KHCO 3 producing a final saliva that is hypotonic (1, 2).Salivation also has a non-cholinergic, non-adrenergic component, the origin of which is unclear (3). In addition to muscarinic and ␣-adrenergic receptors, salivary acinar cells express other receptors that are coupled to an increase in [Ca 2ϩ ] i such as purinergic P2 and substance P receptors. Like muscarinic and ␣-adrenergic receptors, P2 receptor activation leads to a sustained increase in [Ca 2ϩ ] i in salivary acinar cells (4). In contrast, substance P receptor ac...