“…More recently, the association of low-M~ PTKs with specific cell surface proteins (e.g. Ick-CD4/CDS; lck-in:erleukin-2 receptor; fyn-T cell antigen receptor; lyn-B cell antigen receptor) was demonstrated to play an important role in the activation of the immunologic response of lymphocytes [5][6][7][8]. ~umerous PTKs with unknown functions are also distributed elsewhere than in membranes [9][10][11]; this is the case of human and dog prostates whose PTK activity, mainly distributed in cytosolic fractions, migrates upon gel filtration as entities of 44-50 kDa Abbreviations: PTK, protein tyrosine kinas¢; SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate; PAGE, polyacryiamide gel electrophoresis; polyGT, polymer of sodium glutamate and tyrosine; pY, phosphotyrosine; pS, phosphoserine; pT, phosphothreonine; QMA, quaternary methyl amine; Cts° octadodeeyl; 2D, two-dlmenslonal.…”