“…Suggestions for the development of ITPs include conducting a person/environment analysis (Schalock, 1986;Wehman, Kregel, Barcus, & Schalock, 1986), inplementing the ITPs over a pilot period prior to the end of the student's secondary education program (Bates, Suter, & Poelvoorde, 1985;Stodden & Boone, 1987;Wehman, Kregel, Barcus, & Schalock, 1986) and determining the agency or person to be responsible for the ITPs (Hardman & McDonnell, 1987;Wehman, Kregel, & Barcus, 1985). As an example, a portion of an ITP is shown in Figure 1 (Wehman, Moon, & McCarthy, 1986).…”