Let ω 1 be the first uncountable ordinal. By a result of Rudin, bounded operators on the Banach space C([0, ω 1 ]) have a natural representation as [0, ω 1 ] × [0, ω 1 ]matrices. Loy and Willis observed that the set of operators whose final column is continuous when viewed as a scalar-valued function on [0, ω 1 ] defines a maximal ideal of codimension one in the Banach algebra B(C([0, ω 1 ])) of bounded operators on C([0, ω 1 ]). We give a coordinate-free characterization of this ideal and deduce from it that B(C([0, ω 1 ])) contains no other maximal ideals. We then obtain a list of equivalent conditions describing the strictly smaller ideal of operators with separable range, and finally we investigate the structure of the lattice of all closed ideals of B(C([0, ω 1 ])).